




la ctf - the challenge is to call the Setup contract using another deployed contract which lets you execute one opcode for each call with a weird behaviour of functions inside assembly.


This challenge reminds the weird workings of solidity in assembly. Here the challenge contract is supposed to call the setup contract but the challenge contract executes only one opcode at a time and further more. One of the interesting challenges that i have played.

Intro to challenge

This is evmvm contract. Contract code The contract is not as complex as it looks. The stack variable works exactly like a stack. The enterTheMetametaverse function takes opcode and bytes32 argument which is used only when necessary for example in a calldata operations.
To understand this better, let's say we want to add two values. we pass 0x01 as argument in the function. The function pops the top 2 values from the stack variable and adds it and pushes the result back into the stack. You may wonder there's nothing in the stack to pop and we don't have explicit spush calling ability. We'll discuss about this in later part. Setup Code The setup contract initializes the evmvm contract in a immutable variable. So, there is no way to change the address the only way is to make the evmvm contract call the setup contract to solve. To call another contract we can use call or delegate call opcode. call opcode call opcode This was my approach until i met this man and i realized that argsOffset is location from memory though we are allowed to use one opcode at a time the memory gets reset. If the argsOffset is 0 & argsLength is 0 we can call the fallback function because the function signature of fallback is 0x00000000 fallback function But this executes in the context of the caller contract not the evmvm contract. There is something different when it comes to delegate call. click me The evmvm contract calls the fallback function using delegate call but msg.sender is still the evmvm contract interesting!. So, that's it?
Make a contract which has fallback calling the evmvm contract's solve and push the values into the stack and call the delegate call opcode. Yes, except one.
We push four 0's first then address and then gas. So, that stack top value is gas and it gets poped as first argument and so on. But that's not the case. Click me! So, we need to push in the reverse order. The contract should look something like this. Attacking contract We call the attack function which loads the evmvm contract to know the metametaverse contract address and calls the gas opcode and then caller opcode to delegate the function call and followed by self balance which is 0 and finally delegate call opcode which in turn calls the fallback function and solved.

My way of pushing values into the stack when i thought of using call opcode was to first call callvalue opcode four times to push 0 into the stack. Then I create a contract and fund the contract with 36 wei and send the balance to evmvm contract by destroying it. Then call self balance opcode to push 36 into the stack and duplicate it. I use the duplicated value to access the 2nd argument using calldataload opcode by doing that i can load the contract address and swap the stack to bring back 36 again to the top of the stack so that i can repeat the part again and push the gas value into the stack. Confusing! LOL

Credits @rage_pit
I am NoobI am NoobI am Noob
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la ctf - the challenge is to call the Setup contract using another deployed contract which lets you execute one opcode for each call with a weird behaviour of functions inside assembly.

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tet ctf - This challenge contains both web and web3 part in it. The web3 contains a simple re-entrancy.

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